so whats up with us?
well, nothing special, except that I'll get a new motherboard, processor and a graphics card to my computer :P
Joined on 9/2/11
so whats up with us?
well, nothing special, except that I'll get a new motherboard, processor and a graphics card to my computer :P
I was going to get a new graphics card & more ram, but that means I need a better processor, which means that I need a new motherboard. Upgrades are a bitch :(
"wont" - won't
"alot" - Read this. <a href="">
"blues,and" - blues, and
TruBluFoxx (Updated )
Grammar are fun
Grammar are good
I has good grammar
you has good grammar
we all has good grammer
Grammar are fuuuuuuuuuuuuun
-modest guitar solo with polyrythmic drum fills in between silences in the harmony-
Gir-am-er aaaaaaaare gooooooooood
.btw, you also forgot to fix my many violations of the comma rule.