Hey! Im TruBlu, and I would like To introduce myself. I am not really a stranger to newgrounds as I have been coming here for more than 3 years. I like the site, and hope that people will actually read (And comment) on my posts. I myself like all kinds of things including: xbox360, bmx, airsoft, animals, art, science, metal (death, heavy, melodic, some core, thrash, and some black), drumming, pandora, comedy, and finally all the animated shows on comedy central.
I will adress something that might come up (mostly cause my name). At the moment I will not say that I am a furry, but I will feature some anthro art. Foxx is just cause it sounds cool, and fox makes the best mountain bike shocks (and I love mountainbike rides).
Now some questions for the comments: what do you guys enjoy doing?
My mountain bike (taken in the store)